Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Peek Through The Window...

FINALLY. A post with pictures! Current pictures! For whatever reason, I've been putting off posting pictures on this blog. Which is silly. I think my main problem is that I'm ashamed of my bad photography skills. So the other day, my problem was temporarily solved! I've got a blog sponsorship coming up in June over at My Girl Thursday and had to send her a bunch of pics. I had a small panic, then texted my super-busy bestie who, like any amazing photographer friend, took time out of her crowded weekend to take photos for me :) I only needed a few of them for the feature, so I decided that, rather than let them go to waste, I'd post them here! So here it is. A peek into the window of my life. Well overdue. (Thankssss Kat!!)

#1 Spices. Kat took this for fun because she found them on the table, but the fact that they were out on the table is an indicator that I use them a LOT. I love cooking and I loooove playing with spices. Yay!

#2 My Work-space! I'm blessed enough to have my very own craft room in this little house of ours! It's such a mess so I very strategically cleaned up certain parts of it for Kat to focus on... tehe!
I have a lot of scissors...!
Current projects. Anyone sensing a theme???
That's my sewing machine on the left, all covered up. Because I can't use it without a power cable, and I am yet to find... Clever.
#4 Ooo! This photo is one I took! It's the sky above my house the other morning. I just loved the bits of cotton candy floating around! The whole sky looked like this, with whispy pink patches everywhere. Best sunrise EVER.

#5 Token cute puppy pic :) I took this photo of Cupcake on our way to the park. He looks super funny with his face to the wind!

So there you have it! Between now and June, I'm going to be working my ass off getting the shop ready. I've never been involved with a blog sponsorship before, so I'm pretty excited to have this opportunity!

I promise, more photo-y posts from now on. My exciting news is that Chris is giving me my own computer in the craft room!!! Can't wait!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

This One's For You, Husband...

Thank you for:
- Treating me like a normal person when I have strange freak-outs and crazy-lady mood swings
- Letting me get Cupcake even though he was very expensive and we weren't even supposed to be getting a puppy yet (let alone 2!!)
- Surprising me with flowers AND a Master Chef cook book over the last fortnight
- Looking at my herb garden when I tell you to, and throwing in impressed and encouraging comments
- Cleaning the floor amazingly
- Offering to cook when you start finishing work earlier
- Fixing the TV reception :)
- Letting me buy dumb things (like dresses) that I don't need, and we can't afford, but I reallllly want
- Feeding the dogs pretty much every night because Cupcake prefers to eat food served by Daddy for some reason
- Sitting under the patio, looking out at the garden and dreaming with me
- Going grocery shopping with me
- Driving pretty much any time we go out
- Eating everything I cook and making me feel like I've made the tastiest meal in the world every night
- Carrying the love bird cage around even though you don't really like the love birds
- Letting me call you all kinds of embarrassing, non-manly nicknames
- Treating me to back rubs even when you're just as tired as me
- Giving me sips of your Pepsi because I can't justify drinking a whole can of it any more
- Putting up with me telling you to "stop eating my chips and get your own!"
- Explaining technical stuff to me when you know I have noooo idea
- Answering my questions about movies/TV shows while we're watching them
- Being a genuinely amazing husband. Seriously, you deserve every gold star in the world!